Wednesday, November 17, 2021

MEA Part 2

More pictures of their trip over MEA!

Early morning sunrise on the lake.  
There was frost on the ground, it was freezing outside.
Look closely at the boat...what (or I should I say, WHO) do you see?

Yep!  That's Mason!
Shocking, right?

Looks like they ate pretty well in our little camper!
I can tell you that when they got home, I took one step inside, turned around and stepped right back out.
I let that sucker air out for 2 weeks before I went back in to clean and it STILL stunk!

Mason couldn't even be bothered to look at the camera.  
He's obviously quite proud of his fish filet.

Kade got his very first grouse!
This kid is obsessed with hunting!!!

These 2 little buddies made the trek home.
They stayed alive for 6 days before I found them both belly up one morning.
Mason was pretty bummed.


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