Thursday, October 21, 2021

Where does the time go?!?  My mom reminded me tonight I need to do a post.  I can't believe I missed last week!!  Whoopsies!
Well, it's hunting season!  That means the boys are in full hunting mode.  Mainly Kade but Mason is always willing to play along!!  Fortunately it's been a very warm fall so fishing season is still going strong for Mase as well.
They went turkey hunting a couple weekends ago.  Mason got to go along for his first time ever, which means Kade and Grandpa didn't get one.  I'll let you figure out why that is 😉.  
They had to get up at 5:30am on Saturday and Sunday in order to be ready to hit the woods by 6:30.  The plan was that I would set the alarm, go wake Kade up, go back to bed and Kade would get himself and Mason ready.  On Saturday the plan was working just like we imagined, except Mason was SO proud of himself that he marched into our room, flipped the light on, came over to my side of the bed, with his hand on his hip exclaimed, "MOM!!!  I'm up super early!  I feel great!!!  I think I'm going to do this every morning!  I'm a hunter!!  See you later!!" flipped off the light and slammed the door.  Aaaaaaaaand....I'm up for the day.  On Sunday I didn't even bother, I got up with them.  I will say we got A LOT done before 8:30am that weekend!

Target practice.
Pick which one is the better drawing.  
Kade was adamant that he kicked my butt at drawing a turkey head.
I'll tell you whose was whose at the end.

We've got a trombone player!
I came home one day and I swore Kade was crying.  It sounded like he was moaning and groaning, I'd never heard him cry that loud so I ran downstairs to see what happened.  
He wasn't crying.  
He was practicing.

*my drawing was the on the white sheet on the right, Kade's was on the cardboard on the left


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