Sunday, October 3, 2021

Flag Football

So this year Kade was originally signed up to play his first year of tackle football.  However, at the very last minute we learned there was a weight restriction for the skills positions.  Needless to say, he is over that limit so would've been stuck on the line which is NOT where he wants to be.  Probably don't need to say this either as it's no surprise he wanted to be quarterback.  
Anyway, it was well past the deadline to sign up for flag football.  Also, at that time there was only 7 kids signed up (need 10 for a team) and zero parents willing to coach.  To say that flag football was dead in the water was an understatement.  But Kade wanted to play, Erik was willing to coach and I knew a few kids signed up for tackle that were also over the weight limit and didn't want to be stuck on the line either.  
Erik contacted the lady in charge of flag and she said if we could get a team together THAT DAY, she could get us in the league.  Oh, did I mention we were leaving for vacation the very next day and had zero packing done?  We got to work.  I messaged every mom I knew, Erik talked to a couple more dads to help him coach.  We were hoping for 4 more kids....we got 22.  Yep, we went from 7 kids and 0 coaches to 22 kids, 4 parent/coaches officially signed up and a bunch more willing to help when they could.  Wish I was that ambitious for things that actually matter--like world peace 😆
It's been a pretty ugly season.  The teams they play have a couple years of flag under their belts and it shows.  We kinda look like the kids from The Sandlot but hey, they're having fun...I think!
Anyway, a couple weeks ago they got to play a game at US Bank Stadium, where the Vikings play!  It was awesome and it doesn't hurt that we won!!!  Fun memories from a season that almost wasn't.

The best part of this picture is after it was taken I told them to set Tyeson down.  They literally just dropped him.  Good thing Tyeson is tough and the turf is soft!

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