Sunday, March 21, 2021

With the weather warming up and the snow melted away, the boys are back into a baseball frame of mind. Of course Kade is ALWAYS in that mindset but Mason is our surprise this year!  When we asked him a month or two ago if he wanted to play baseball, he was pretty wishy-washy.  He said he'd rather fish than play baseball 2 nights a week.  That answer wasn't a surprise and we weren't going to make him play.  
However, he had a change of heart and decided he DID want to sign up.  After asking him 8 million times if he was sure (he's never been too into sports and definitely needs some working throwing and catching) he assured us he was.  He said he's excited to get a new baseball bag 😆 Now, most nights they're out there playing catch or working on soft toss and Mason's skills have improved 10-fold!  I tell ya, he's going to be our dark horse when it comes to sports--he's going to end up blowing us all away.

I didn't take any pictures this week either so I made them pose tonight.
They were confused as to why I was taking their picture but those are some pretty great faces!


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