Sunday, March 14, 2021

Guess what's coming back!!!  My Wednesday's, thats what!!  After the weirdest year ever, the boys are going back to school 5 days a week starting tomorrow.  That means I get my day back!!!  
However, Erik would never let me live it down if I didn't mention this:  a month or so ago, when they announced that school would go back to full time, Erik said, "you just wait.  The week they go back, there's going to be a huge snowstorm."  He's right, there's a big storm coming tomorrow.  They haven't called school off yet buuuuut....
I don't even care though because Wednesday is going to be 50 and sunny and we all know that's which day counts the most!!
I didn't take any pictures this week.
This is all I've got.

Trixie got fed popcorn and now she's discovered a taste for it.
This is how she sat the entire time Kade at his bowl.
It didn't even phase him.

Spear fisherman!

Also after an entire year, Kade FINALLY got his haircut professionally!!!
I told him to send me a picture.
This is what I got.


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