Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Mother's Day

We went back to Whitewater on Mother's Day for, what I thought, was going to be a nice walk in the woods.  We brought fishing poles "just in case".  We made it roughly 50 yards down the trail and the boys had to stop to fish.  Then we proceeded to watch them fish for the next hour or so.  Eventually we did make it further down the trail but it was completely blocked/destroyed by beavers.  So, we turned around and found a different spot to throw the lines in.  Basically, my Mother's Day consisted of about a 10 minute walk and roughly 3.5 hours of fishing.  But, it was a beautiful day, the boys had a blast and they did manage to catch ONE fish--that got off the hook before they could reel it in.

Attempt #1 at a picture with my boys.

2nd, and final, attempt at a good picture.

I got to watch these handsome boys, in their matching outfits, have the time of their lives.
 While I got to sit.  
And do nothing.  
Best Mother's Day ever.

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