Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A couple weeks ago Mason had his field trip and Erik went along.  They went to the trampoline park in the morning and were supposed to go to an outdoor park for lunch and play, unfortunately it was too cold and rainy for that part.  

Kade's been busy with the horses again this spring!

Mason has found his true passion in!
I know I've mentioned it a few times here but I just can't get across how much this kid truly loves to fish.  He's been going every week, for hours at a time.  He's focused the entire time, he does all of his own baiting and removing of his catches.  
When he's not fishing, he's watching fishing on tv, practicing his casting at home and pretending to fish in the yard.  I can't tell you how many pictures we have of him with a fish on the line!  It seems like Kade has been gone a lot lately, with friends, baseball, horses, etc.  So, when Mason gets left behind we head down the road to Chester Woods and throw a line in!

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