Sunday, April 28, 2019

Easter Weekend

The boys started off Easter a couple days early when their gifts from Lady A and S arrived!  The bowls say their name and "Don't touch my snacks!"  They're super cute and the boys love using them.

Saturday was the perfect day for fishing!  
Except they had to drive across the county to find a spot that was actually open and not completely flooded out.  They didn't catch anything but they got fresh air, exercise and time with dad and grandpa C.  Sounds like a good day to me!

Easter morning!
It's egg hunting time!

Erik took my cousin Jody for a ride on the "gator", along with her daughter Lauren and the boys.  Apparently she was quite entertaining with her nervous screams and constantly grabbing Mason's legs to hold on!  The boys said that part was the best part of their whole Easter weekend!!

They ended up being gone for a really long time because they got stuck in the mud!
I'm not sure if Jody will ever go for another ride again!

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