Sunday, April 28, 2019

Easter Weekend

The boys started off Easter a couple days early when their gifts from Lady A and S arrived!  The bowls say their name and "Don't touch my snacks!"  They're super cute and the boys love using them.

Saturday was the perfect day for fishing!  
Except they had to drive across the county to find a spot that was actually open and not completely flooded out.  They didn't catch anything but they got fresh air, exercise and time with dad and grandpa C.  Sounds like a good day to me!

Easter morning!
It's egg hunting time!

Erik took my cousin Jody for a ride on the "gator", along with her daughter Lauren and the boys.  Apparently she was quite entertaining with her nervous screams and constantly grabbing Mason's legs to hold on!  The boys said that part was the best part of their whole Easter weekend!!

They ended up being gone for a really long time because they got stuck in the mud!
I'm not sure if Jody will ever go for another ride again!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Picture Catch Up

I've been falling behind on my weekly posts!  I swear these boys are getting busier and I'm not sure how that is possible!  I was looking back on the pictures in my phone and realized I missed a few.

Mason had a birthday party for his friend, Ashtyn, a couple weeks ago.
They had a piñata and he thought that was the coolest thing in the world!
He got to swing a bat as hard as he could at something and then candy comes out.  I mean, that's basically every kid's dream come true!!

Daycare pictures.

Apparently he told Amanda he didn't want to be in this picture and then just as she was taking it he hopped in and did that.  Little turkey!!

Kade's class did a Flat Stanley project. 
Flat Kade went by mail to Atlanta, GA to visit his cousin Vivienne's class.
That's my brother in that picture to the left of Flat Kade.

Vivi holding Kade

Erik's basically living his dream in these pictures.
2 boys, both into baseball, in a mini spring training camp.
This is basically what I come home from work to every night.
Kade is so into pitching these days that Erik actually had to tell him he couldn't throw anymore for fear of Kade doing some damage to his arm!  That kid cannot get enough of sports!!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Family Fun Night

One cold and miserable Saturday a couple weeks ago we decided a family fun day was in order so we finally used the boys' gift cards to Bowlocity.  Lots of other people had the same thought because the bowling alley was packed!  Which meant we got "upgraded" to the adult/private lanes.  We had our own couches, our own bar area, giant tv screens (that were, unfortunately, showing boxing or some other gross looking sport as seen in the background) and there were only a few other lanes being used.
Mason didn't love it, he was too distracted by all the games out in the lobby area.  However, he did manage to bowl his turn every time and he made it to the end!  Kade on the other hand, kicked butt (as seen in the picture of the scores below).  It was a ton of fun and we'll definitely be year when the weather turns cold and miserable again.

They liked their fancy shoes!

Look at that form!
Future Pro Bowler.

I got beat by an 8 year old!!

The gift cards had enough money left over for Erik and Kade to play a round of laser tag and for the boys to play so many games that they didn't even care when Erik and I borrowed their cards so we could play too!

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Spring Is In the Air

A couple weeks ago Kade had his spring concert at school.  Erik and I didn't get there early enough so we were were in the back row.  I thought Kade saw us and was too cool to acknowledge his parents but when Erik stood up to take these pictures he noticed us and gave us a little smile and wave.  Whew, he's still willing to claim least for now!  

Top row, 2nd from right in black shirt

We're still dealing with snow melt and lots of water everywhere.
Mason doesn't mind though!  He's fishing for a swamp monster in this picture.
The elusive beast managed to escape the hook again.

Of course, spring means driveway basketball!!
Mason is even getting in the action a little bit this year!

Kade went with Charlie and his dad to the Globetrotters last week.
They ran into some buddies from school when they were all buying their basketballs.
Love the 2 giant bookends in this picture!!