Friday, October 27, 2017

Life Update:
~ Kade is currently dealing with a wart on his toe.  We've been battling it on and off (mainly because we forget to put the Compound W on it on a regular basis) for quite awhile.  Well, we finally decided to hit it hard the last week or 2 and it's close to finally being gone--but Kade can be a bit dramatic.  Our Friday Night Fun consisted of Erik holding him down while I tried to get the wart off, all the while Kade acting like I was pulling off his toenail.  (I should say, before anyone starts to feel too badly for Kade, the second I was done he was back on the couch eating popcorn like nothing ever happened.)

Wart-1 Mom-0

~Mason is outgrowing naps yet he still takes them almost daily.  This means that he's wide awake well past bedtime.  
A comprehensive guide to putting Mason to bed:
Step 1. read him books  
Step 2. lay with him in the dark until he's nearly asleep  
Step 3.  sneak out of his bedroom 
Step 4.  Go back in 5 minutes later because the light is on and he's out of bed   
Step 5.  Repeat steps 1-4.
Step 6.  See Step 5

Mason-1 Mom and Dad-0

Love this beautiful, crazy life with these beautiful, crazy boys!!

A couple weeks ago, Kade had some friends at our house while Mason got to spend the day playing at a friend's house...

Friday, October 20, 2017


I can't believe it's already MEA break!  It feels like Kade just had his first day of school!!  School was also off on Wednesday for fall conferences.  Kade is doing great!  Nothing but positive remarks, awesome test scores and we were told for the 3rd year in a row that he's a leader and great role model for his peers.  So proud of that big boy!  
Erik and I both took Thursday and Friday off to relax and hang out with the little men.  Love an extra long weekend at home with no plans and the best fall weather I can remember.  It's amazing how fast the days go, even when there's nothing scheduled.  We've been on lots of gator rides, the boys have spent hours in the sandbox and in the woods.  Kade went with Grandpa Ranger to his woods to fix deer stands one afternoon, then both boys went to the farm to play with cousins and this afternoon we had friends over for more outside fun!  We're all exhausted and the real weekend hasn't even started yet!!  

My little hunters

Weekends mean sleepovers together on the floor!  

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Mason and I spent a few hours playing at the apple orchard last Wednesday on our day off.  He picked out some mums for outside and pumpkins for carving.  Of course we got a bag of apples and a box of donuts may have slipped into our wagon as well (I mean, donuts at an apple orchard have to be delicious, right?!?  They were).  It was a beautiful day and Mason is at such a fun age--I can't get enough of these handsome boys of mine!!!

And because the big boy didn't make it into this week's post, here's his school picture.
Not the best picture I've ever seen of the Kade Man but that's what school pictures are for, right?!

First grade!!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Last Camping Trip of the Season...I Think

Two weekends ago we took our last camping trip of 2017 (unless, of course, the weather cooperates and we change our mind).  We were hoping for some "fall camping", as in frosty mornings, chilly afternoons--all day campfire type of camping.  What we got was the hottest weekend yet of our 2017 summer camping excursions!!  Thank goodness for air conditioners!  

We had called around to various campgrounds the days leading up asking about pool closures and such.  We were assured by someone who had no clue what they are talking about that this particular campground had the pool open and river tubing was still available.  Well, we pulled in on Friday afternoon, at 97 degrees, only to be told it was all closed and they had no idea who would've told us otherwise.  

Luckily the river was shallow enough that the kids could play in there for hours.  It ended up working out great!  Our sites were right next to the water and there was hardly anyone at the campground so we basically had a huge section of the river to ourselves.  Along with water balloons and water guns, we managed to stay cool and have a great time!

We're sad to see another camping season come to a close but we can't complain, we had great weather, great company and made some awesome memories this summer!  Can't wait to do it again next year!!