Tuesday, July 11, 2017

So that mid-year resolution to take more pictures hasn't started off so well.  Thankfully I have friends that hook me up!!  And by hook me up, I mean professional quality/these-prints-belong-on-a-canvas-type hook up!!  Thanks Melissa!
Kade and his BF, Charlie...cutest little ball players ever.

Kade's loving baseball again this summer!  He's doing great too!  

This picture is courtesy of Grandpa H.
Mason looooooooves his tractors!!

At the beginning of summer the boys started a new daycare.  This one is right in town and their friends go there so they are loving it.  Kade's been able to participate in summer rec and it will be easier for us when/if Mason goes to preschool next year.  It's been a great transition and we couldn't be happier with our decision to switch!

These pictures are courtesy of Amanda, our new daycare mom.

Kade, Charlie, Kennedy and Paityn

Unfortunately the only kids I know in this picture are Harper on the far left, Ashtyn on the far right and Mason in the middle!

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