Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Town Festival Part II:  On Saturday, after the parade, the boys did the obstacle course (or as they like to call it, The Ninja Warrior Course).  Ellie and Rylee happened to be in town watching the parade as well so they hung out and tagged along!  They were staying with their grandpa and grandma for the weekend and grandma insisted the girls were NOT going to do the course.  I shook my head and said "uh huh", with my fingers crossed behind my back because there was no way I wasn't going to let them go through if they asked!  Sorry, not sorry Grandma Holiday!!

Pre-Ninja snacks.  Everyone is still so clean!

Round 1.  

Mason was tired, hot and grumpy.  
He did a few obstacles but mainly he just wanted to hang out with Dad.

Round 2.  
They went through a second time and basically laid down in the mud.

Mini Ninja Warriors!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Last week was the town festival.  On Wednesday it was track and field, pedal pull and a home run derby for the kids.  The boys had a blast competing and playing with their friends!

This little boy is named Mason as well.  He's a friend of Kade's from school.  
Mason and Mason get so excited when they see each other!
Brynlee and Ashtyn, from the boy's new daycare, were there too!

Charlie, Mason and Kade playing football before the races begin.

Erik giving Mase pointers before the race.  I feel bad, I didn't realize he'd want to run so we didn't put him in the best running shoes.

He sure looked cute running down the track though!!

They separated them by age.  When they called out the 6 and under boys, Kade went out there because he's still 6.  The guy running it made Kade leave the track and wait to run with the 7-8 year old boys.  
As you can see in the picture below, he did look a bit funny lining up with the 6 and under boys.

Every one got participation candy for running!  

Next up the tractor pull!!

Mason and Nyle waiting their turn,

Violet and Kade watching too!

Even though he's only 3, we snuck him into the 4 year old competition (the youngest age they allowed compete).  He didn't do too bad, 8 ft 9 inches!!

Kade, Tyeson and Charlie cheering for their friends.

And the winner of the 6 year old division is....


Kade's friend Tyeson beat him in every race they ran, unfortunately for Tyeson they didn't hand out cool trophies for that.
These 2 are going to be fun to watch play sports together!

Watch out first grade, here they come!

Charlie, Kade, Mason, Tyeson, Tucker and Porter

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

So that mid-year resolution to take more pictures hasn't started off so well.  Thankfully I have friends that hook me up!!  And by hook me up, I mean professional quality/these-prints-belong-on-a-canvas-type hook up!!  Thanks Melissa!
Kade and his BF, Charlie...cutest little ball players ever.

Kade's loving baseball again this summer!  He's doing great too!  

This picture is courtesy of Grandpa H.
Mason looooooooves his tractors!!

At the beginning of summer the boys started a new daycare.  This one is right in town and their friends go there so they are loving it.  Kade's been able to participate in summer rec and it will be easier for us when/if Mason goes to preschool next year.  It's been a great transition and we couldn't be happier with our decision to switch!

These pictures are courtesy of Amanda, our new daycare mom.

Kade, Charlie, Kennedy and Paityn

Unfortunately the only kids I know in this picture are Harper on the far left, Ashtyn on the far right and Mason in the middle!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Whew!  What a week it's been!!  It started Friday evening when Kade had his buddy Porter over for a little bit to play.  Mason joined them for some toad hunting.  There are hundreds of tiny baby toads all over right now.  Here they are building a Toad Shed.

Saturday we spent the day swimming at the Ranch.  I can't believe it's our first time making it out to the pool this summer!

Sunday we spent the day on the river with Jay, Jenna, Violet, Isaac and Eve.  Kade tried tubing for the first time.  He hated it initially, but ended up loving it after trying one more time.  

They aren't actually tubing here, just playing on it by the shore.

Monday evening we had 4 families (there were 23 of us total!) over for our own mini fireworks display.  The kids had fun playing the dad's in baseball, hunting toads, playing with sparklers and watching the fireworks (they came from Wisconsin so they were the good ones!).

As if that wasn't enough 4th of July fun, we had everyone back over on Tuesday afternoon for a picnic!  We thought the kids would want to have water fights but they ended up spending almost the entire day in the woods building a house (it even had a bathroom!  With a toilet!  And they "borrowed" my toilet paper!  I never did see where that roll ended up).  

We capped it all off with another quick trip out to the pool yesterday.  Back to reality today...work and daycare.

However, probably the most exiting thing about the entire time is......Mason is FINALLY going on the potty!!!!!
Oh that little man is stubborn.  He won't do anything he doesn't want to do.  We've been begging and pleading with him for the last 8 months to at least try to sit on the potty.  This weekend he decided he could give it try.  
We put him in underwear and he's done really well!  A couple accidents but for the most part he's telling us when we wants to go!  He's even had a couple successful poops on the potty! 
I've been telling him that if he poops on the potty, dad will buy him a gator (Erik's been looking for quite some time for a ranger/gator type ATV.  Figured I'd light a fire under both of their backsides--Mason finally potty training, Erik finally biting the bullet and buying one!).  So now every time Mason sits on the potty he asks if Daddy is going to buy him a gator---make it happen Erik!!!!

I've been terrible at taking pictures these days.  Mid-year resolution: take more pictures.

My little 'struction men.
Love those little boys!