Tuesday, June 27, 2017

It was a weekend of birthday parties for the Kade Man.  Saturday morning started off with a birthday party in Chester Woods.  Unfortunately he didn't actually get a picture with the birthday boy because he was more interested in fishing all day with his buddy, Porter.  The boys (I was at a baby shower and then doing some much needed cleaning) ended up fishing from 10 am until 4 pm!!  Then at 4:00, Kade and Porter headed off to birthday party number 2!

Kade came home complaining of a belly ache.  I'm sure it had nothing to do with 2 birthday cakes, cupcakes and who knows how much candy!!  

Thank goodness for my mom friends sending me pictures and updates throughout the day!

Erik sent me this picture around 3:00 (they were supposed to be home around 1:00).  I think to prove the boys were still alive.

Sandi, the mom in the above picture, sent me these of Mason.  He was super excited about the worms.  Every time he caught weeds (which sounds like it was a lot), he'd exclaim, "I caught a sea horse!"

Kade and Porter 

Pictures from Party #2!

I love this picture.  
Just have to wonder what these bathing beauties are talking about.

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