Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Like everyone else in the world, life has been BUSY!!  It feels like I haven't sat down for 2 weeks straight, but I love my crazy, beautiful life--and I have 2 very handsome boys to thank for it!

I've recently discovered the beauty of getting up about an hour and half earlier than necessary so I can actually get some stuff done (how did it take me this long to figure that out?!?!?).  The blog posts being one of them.  I actually had time to look back at some pictures and realized I forgot to put a few "gems" in past posts.  So, here they are…the forgotten pictures.

We rarely let Mou out of the house.  We don't want Mason to be the kid that needs a blanket or stuffed animal with him at all times in order to function like a normal human being.  However, this day (for whatever reason) we let him talk us into Mou going for a car ride.  
Look at that sweet face and that sweet death grip on Mou!!

I try to wash Mou and Na-night every week.  Even though they don't go outside, they still get pretty disgusting.
Mason helped load them into the washer and then he proceeded to watch them get their bath.

Worm hunting!!!
I do like digging for worms, I don't like picking them up.  Luckily these 2 are more than willing to do the dirty work for me!!  

Lookin' good, big boys!!

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