Monday, June 13, 2016

Kade started playing 8 and Under baseball this summer.  We were very hesitant about signing him up to play baseball with kids that are potentially 3 years older than him, especially since he skipped T-ball, but it's turned out great!  His skill level is even with the rest of the team and with his size you can't even tell he's 1 of the 3 five year olds on the team.  Plus, his good friend Charlie is on the team so that helped with his initial shyness nerves.

They use a pitching machine for the 8U league and he does great!  Kade's always been able to hit off of a pitch (ask to him to hit off of a T and that's when it gets ugly!).  It took him a few practices to get used to the machine but he's got it down now.  He's gotten a hit every time, except once in the first game, at bat!  

I was more worried about him catching a ball with his face instead of his glove because, at the beginning of the season, he couldn't catch a ball to save his life but he's caught on quickly!  He even caught a pop fly in one of the games!  

And, he looks SO.DARN.CUTE in the uniform!

Erik is one of the volunteer coach-dads on the team, that's him behind Kade (who is playing 2nd base).

Lucky #7 made it to first base!!

Rounding 2nd and running hard!

Video of Kade at bat.  

Mason has fun at the games too!  I don't have many pictures of him because I don't have a lot of time to whip out my camera before he's crawling up to the top of the playground equipment (that isn't exactly 2 year old friendly), or jumping into huge puddles of water, or stealing other kid's toys (as seen below), or begging strangers for a snack and/or helping himself into other kid's snack bags.  
One of us is EXTREMELY tired after 1.5 hours of baseball and it isn't the coach, or the player, or the toddler….

Mason and one of his favorite little buddies, Harper!

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