Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I'm working on getting Erik to write a post, he's got a lot to cover!  Until then I'll just post a few pictures from this past week.

Mason has really changed in the past week or so.  He's got 4 teeth now!   He went so long without any so it seems like they are all coming in at once.  Mason is BUSY!!  He is everywhere.  He's crawling on all 4's, pulling himself up and starting to walk along things a little bit.  He's also got no fear.  I set him down in the living room, turn my back for 2 minutes and he's gone.  More than once I've had to search the house for him and found him in dark rooms.  Molly has 2 water dishes, 1 in our master bathroom and 1 in the laundry room and that's where you can usually find Mason if you notice it's been quiet for too long.  You'll find him with wet hands and clothes, a puddle on the floor and a huge grin.

Kade never left our side when he was a baby.  Not because we wouldn't let him, but because he cried until we picked him up.  He never crawled because he cried so much I would just strap him to my chest so he would stop.  It was where he was the happiest!  I did that until he was 10 months old which is when he learned to walk.  I'm not used to an independent, crawling baby!!

Should've put some soap on that towel and put him to work!

He also recently learned he's "So Big"!  Now whenever you say his name he just automatically puts his arms up, even if you aren't asking him how big he is :-)

The other day I just happened to look out the window and see this:
Kade driving (blade off, by the way), Erik riding in the wagon, stopping at random leaf piles in the yard.  Kade is such a good helper....and a Daddy's Boy!  They are so similar it is scary.

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