Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from a couple of turkeys!

I hope everyone's belly is as full as Mason's was in this picture by the end of the day!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Not a lot going on this week.  I didn't even take pictures!  Still working on Erik to write a post, maybe before the year is over?  Nobody hold their breath!!

Bath time fun!  It's not very often they bathe together.  Kade has been into showering on his own ever since we moved but once in awhile I get my first baby back and he'll hop in the tub with Mason.
My brown and blue eyed boys!

Poor Molly had a bit of a gastrointestinal issue this past weekend.  It was disgusting, to say the least.  I had to be resourceful.  Lucky for all of us she is on the mend.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I'm working on getting Erik to write a post, he's got a lot to cover!  Until then I'll just post a few pictures from this past week.

Mason has really changed in the past week or so.  He's got 4 teeth now!   He went so long without any so it seems like they are all coming in at once.  Mason is BUSY!!  He is everywhere.  He's crawling on all 4's, pulling himself up and starting to walk along things a little bit.  He's also got no fear.  I set him down in the living room, turn my back for 2 minutes and he's gone.  More than once I've had to search the house for him and found him in dark rooms.  Molly has 2 water dishes, 1 in our master bathroom and 1 in the laundry room and that's where you can usually find Mason if you notice it's been quiet for too long.  You'll find him with wet hands and clothes, a puddle on the floor and a huge grin.

Kade never left our side when he was a baby.  Not because we wouldn't let him, but because he cried until we picked him up.  He never crawled because he cried so much I would just strap him to my chest so he would stop.  It was where he was the happiest!  I did that until he was 10 months old which is when he learned to walk.  I'm not used to an independent, crawling baby!!

Should've put some soap on that towel and put him to work!

He also recently learned he's "So Big"!  Now whenever you say his name he just automatically puts his arms up, even if you aren't asking him how big he is :-)

The other day I just happened to look out the window and see this:
Kade driving (blade off, by the way), Erik riding in the wagon, stopping at random leaf piles in the yard.  Kade is such a good helper....and a Daddy's Boy!  They are so similar it is scary.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween 2014

I feel like I need to put the story behind Kade's costume in writing.  So, when he's 14 and I can't do anything right by him, he can't use his 2014 Halloween costume as more ammunition.  As in, "Seriously Mom???  THAT'S what you chose to use as my costume?!".  Okay, maybe I'm guilty of using that sentence with my mom.  Which just goes to show I know it's coming in my not-so-distant future.  Let me assure you Kade's costume was ALL HIS IDEA.

A few weeks ago Kade had decided he wanted to go as a farmer (big surprise, I know).  So I never bothered finding a costume for him.

Me:  "You can wear your Carhart bibs.  We'll get you a plaid shirt, you can wear your straw hat and we'll put some dirt on your nose!"
Kade: "No mom.  Farmers wear jeans and they don't have dirty noses."
Okaaaay.  Soooooo.  Kade's basically going as....Kade.  Awesome.

Kade:  "I don't want to be a farmer.  I want to be an animal."
Me:  "That's fine but that means we'll have to go shopping tomorrow."
Kade (making a face that someone would make if I had just told them I was going to cut off their pinky finger):  "NO!  I want to be a farmer!"

Me:  "I just realized Mason needs more formula so we have to go shopping today anyway.  We can look for an animal costume for you too."
Kade:  "I want to be horse!  Or a giraffe.  Or a dinosaur.  Or a etc, etc, etc". All the way to the store.

As we're looking for socks Kade discovers black spandex pants in his size.
Kade:  "I want to be football player!!!"
Me:  "You are a football player Every. Single. Day."
Kade:  "But I NEED these pants!  It's just like what all the football players wear!!"
Me:  "Okay but then we aren't buying an animal costume."
Kade:  "I know mom.  I'm going to be an awesome football player!"

Without further ado, in a picture we have a million versions of already, Kade as a football player for Halloween 2014:

Mason, on the other hand, has every reason to give me a hard time for his first Halloween costume.  He was a lion.  Kade may have been the same lion for Halloween 2011.  
I'm sorry Mason but, trust me, you didn't care.  And I PROMISE to put you in brand new, never-been-worn, non-hand-me-downs just as soon as you do care!!
He makes a darn cute little lion though!  So I'm sorry/not sorry for reusing the costume :-)

Seriously.  Tails on babies.  Cute.

Trick-or-treating at G&G C's.  Halloween also happened to be their last day of work.  Ever.  My parents retired on the exact same day!

Later G&G H babysat Mason so Erik and I could take Kade trick-or-treating in our old neighborhood.  It was a blast and the boys did great!

Here's Kade and Michael in their annual costume picture: