Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Update on the bulb we planted.  Turns out it's an iris, which I was a little disappointed to hear.  Here's why.  Almost immediately after we planted it, it started sprouting.  I think it goes without mentioning who has been watering it everyday. So for me to grow something from seed is a small miracle.  Green Thumb I am not.  Although I know nothing about vegetation, I do know that irises grow like weeds.  This means that a Moldy Thumb can grow an iris.  This means it's not that impressive that something has sprouted due to my dedication.  Oh well, at least Kade's excited about it!  Although, he looks a little more scary than excited in this picture:

We helped Jay, Jenna and Violet move into their new house this past weekend.  Afterwards we went out for lunch.  Kade wanted to ride in the car opposite his parents (surprise, surprise), so we had to move his car seat.  After lunch we had to move his car seat back.  Jay decided to skip the part where Kade gets out of the seat first.  So, of course, he made a pit stop into a snow bank first :-)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I know the most loyal readers of this blog already know our big news.  However, until papers are signed and the "grace period" has passed, I can't blog about it.  Sorry to be so cryptic to those who don't know what I'm talking about.  Fingers crossed and God willing, I will tell our news soon-ish :-)

In the mean time I will keep blogging about the very handsome little man called Kade!  He continues to amaze us every day.  I swear, if we weren't there the night he was born I would think he's well beyond his 3 1/2 years.  Both in size, maturity and intelligence.

He has started to reason with us in everything we say.  He's been reasoning for awhile but now it's starting to make sense!  I find myself not having a comeback and that is rare for me!  He's also become really affectionate the past few weeks.  He gives kisses and hugs just because and that's not something I'm used to!  I'm always the one chasing him down while he hides his delicious cheeks from me.  But not anymore and I am loving it!!

Planting and watering the bulb he got for Valentine's Day from daycare.  I have to admit, I have no idea what we planted but I've been watering it every day and am excited to see what comes up!

If you remember from a post last year, Kade and Rylee are betrothed :-)   Engagement photo, perhaps?

Although, these 2 seem to be a better match.  The love/hate relationship between Ellie and Kade is a good way.  Either way, he is set for his date for prom!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

This week soccer went much better!  Although he told us he didn't want to go because he was scared, he warmed up immediately when we got there.  No tears, no shy guy, no need for Mom to join him out in the field!!  Progress!!

Ring Around the Rosy, including the extremely shy kid!!

Someone is proud of himself!!

After soccer we went to get his haircut.  He didn't want to but when we reminded him about the sucker at the end, we couldn't get there fast enough.

Kade picked out his Valentine's Day gift this year.  An air hockey table!!  He loves it!  He's a boy after his Mom's heart because he found it in the clearance section :-)  

Happy Valentine's Day from this future heartbreaker!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Kade had his very first organized sports "practice" today.  He's playing soccer every Wednesday morning for the months of February and March!  A couple days ago I started to explain to him that it's just the kids playing and I'd be sitting on the side while he played and listened to the coach.  I knew if he wasn't prepared for that, he'd never leave my side and he'd miss out on all the fun. preparation didn't pay off.  Of course Erik wasn't going to miss Kade's very first "athletic event", so he took the morning off to be there too.  Although Kade did leave my side, he wouldn't leave Erik's.

Ring Around the Rosy, with an extremely shy kid off to the side.

Kid's version of running ladders, with an extremely shy kid off to the side.

A close up of that extremely shy kid.  Yep.  Lots of tears!

Finally I took him into the bathroom and had my usual "shy guy" pep talk with him.  Whenever we go somewhere I tell him, "it's okay to be shy for a little bit but if you keep being shy you'll miss out on doing fun things and you'll regret it later".  Then I went out onto the field with him and did some of the exercises with the rest of the kids.  He started to participate and was having so much fun he didn't even notice when I left the field!

Now it's time for a game!
Kade was on the orange team.

I think it ended in a tie?  Who can be sure when the kids were kicking it into the wrong net and stealing the ball from their own teammates.....ahem, Kade.

In the end it doesn't matter who won or lost, all that matters is the disappearance of tears, the big smile and the really cool stamp on his leg!