Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Random Post

Kade has always been a good eater. No matter what we put in front of him, he ate. He LOVES vegetables and fruit. When we go out to eat, we always order a side of broccoli for him and the waiters always looks at us like we are the meanest parents ever. Then, when they come back to clear dishes, they are always shocked to see the broccoli gone and the French fries barely touched.

One time, I was trying to get him to go inside for lunch but he wasn't having it. I tried everything to entice him. Finally, I said, "We can have some Cheetos!", he grabbed both sides of my face and excitedly asked, "And CARROTS? And BROCCOLI? YUM! YUM!"

Recently he's discovered a love for ketchup and mustard. He demands it on his plate for every meal. Anyone who has seen me eat knows that my food CANNOT touch. It repulses me if food that does not belong together (i.e. cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes...UGH!) touches. So imagine my disgust, and my attempts at hiding the disgust, when he now dips bananas, carrots, broccoli, oranges, and every other food on his plate into the ketchup, then the mustard, and happily pops it into his mouth.

In other news, Kade has become a 2 year old techie. He frequently asks, "Can I watch zoomi zoomi on the patio?" Translation: Can I watch Umizoomi on the iPad? He knows which buttons to push to get it started and even wears the earbuds if he can't hear it!

And finally, he has recently given Erik the best nickname ever. Kitty Cat. No idea where he came up with that one but he did! The best part? Erik, I mean Kitty Cat, actually responds to it!

Below are some pictures of the little techie in action!

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