Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Basketball player

Happy New Year!

So far Kade has showed a great deal of interest in playing basketball. We play daily and I might add I'm getting pretty good at shooting with a small rubber basketball! Typically each evening after supper Kade leans over, puts his hand on my shoulder, and says "Dad, lets go play basketball". I usually respond with "we will in two minutes after I help pick up some dishes". Kade responds with "No, mommy do that". "Ok" says dad! Downstairs we head to play some ball!

Once downstairs and prior to tip off Kade asks me to turn basketball on the TV. I love this kid so much!!! We usually hoop it up then for a while ("while" can be anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 minutes). Basketball usually leads to wrestling, then we hide in forts under blankets, then farm in the toy room, then mom arrives downstairs and we play tackle mom,

Ok. Back on topic. Kade also absolutely loves going to watch Daddy and Uncle Michael play basketball during the week. He watches a little, cheers, and runs around with his own little basketball that he brings from home. He also likes to carry my basketball shoes. For 9pm games we make sure Kade is in bed prior to me leaving, otherwise he attends all other games. I always ask Kade as we are driving to the games who he is going to cheer for tonight. Every single time the answer has been Uncle Michael. Of course Kristi follows up with who's better, Daddy or Uncle Michael? Again Kade's answer is Uncle Michael every time. What game is he watching anyway! :-)

So we asked Kade what he wanted for Christmas. He said he needed a combine, wagons, a tractor, and BASKETBALL shoes! We were a little surprised when he told us he wanted new basketball shoes for Christmas, I mean...he's only 2! Then one day Mom and Kade were doing a little Christmas shopping and they walked past a sporting goods store and Kade says "Oh mom. Basketball shoes! I need them. I do."

Guess what Kade got from Mom and Dad for Christmas! After Kade had the wrapping paper off, but prior to even opening the shoe box Kade says "oh basketball shoes". Air Jordan symbol was all he needed to know what was in the box!

Picture #1 - See my new shoes. Note the basketball pants on already as well. He wanted to leave his new shirt on though that he wore to church.

Picture #2 - Attempting to get basketball pants and shoes off for bed.

Picture #3 - Christmas morning holding up his combine from Santa. Two gravity wagons and tractor also made it down the chimney. Also note what you see Kade wearing is exactly what he wore to bed. Yep. Kade wore Jordan's all night long! Basically wore them for 3-4 days straight!

Picture #4 - Family self portrait on Christmas Eve.

Picture #5 - Holidays are tuff on a guy! Our perfect little boy catching up on a little missed sleep. This is second time ever Kade has sat still for more than 32 seconds on the couch.

1 comment:

  1. I can see that Kade will become a basketball player in the future! Imagine, he already asked for a pair of basketball shoes at his age? He may ask for a basketball jersey next! I hope you'll be able to hone his skills properly so that he'll become a good athlete someday.
