Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Lately Kade seems to like trying things on.  He puts on our shoes (mine anyway, Erik's size 13's are about the same size as Kade's entire body!).  He'll pull clothes out of our drawers and try to wear them, and he loves to put things on his head.  The proof is in the pictures below!

I know we tend to keep our house a little chillier than most people, but I think he's exaggerating just a smidge!

Lookin' Gooood, Big Guy! (Erik tells him this every morning)

Sweatin' to the Oldies.  He was right in the middle of "jumping" in this picture.  You can't slide a piece of paper under his vertical yet.

Do Dad's basketball shorts fit me yet??

At daycare they made Indian headbands.  Kade wore his all day and the whole way home.  Happy Thanksgiving!!

He's really getting in the spirit of Thanksgiving. 
Festive head decor:  Check!
Comfy pants with an elastic waist:  Check!
Football:  Check!


and Sit??? 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

15 Month Stats

Kade had his 15 month appointment yesterday.  He's healthy and growing like a weed!  Someone told me that if you want to know how tall your kid is going to be as an adult, you take the height they are at 2 years old and double it.  By the measurements taken yesterday (and if that old wives tale is true), he's well on his way to being over 6 feet!

The stats:
33 inches tall (2'9") 93%
26.9 pounds   80%

We got out Kade's old gym for a friend.  He lived under that thing for most of his little baby months!  He thought he should try it out again.

Unfortunately, "Godzilla" kept collapsing it because he's way too big for it now. 

And, because I can't resist comparison pictures taken last year at this time :-)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

PIctures, Pictures, Pictures

Lucky for us, Erik's parents have the same camera as we do.  Thus, same USB cord.  Which means pictures are back in business!!

A couple of weeks ago Kade had his first sleep over and he didn't even realize it.  The twins ended up falling asleep in their pack n' plays after a night of hard playing.  So, we decided it would just be easier to have a sleep over rather than wake up and drive home in the cold two 21 month olds.  The next morning Kade was having his milk when he heard Carter say "hi".  I've never seen Kade's eyes get so wide in excitement!

The 3 amigos.  I took the picture while the 3 other parents made fools of themselves in order to get a good shot.  Obviously somebody on the left of me wins for biggest fool :-)
I just can't resist a comparison picture.  This was taken 9/3/2010.  Kade and Carter are switched around but Princess Paige is right where she should be!

Kissing Cousins.  Kade was trying to kiss Paige but Carter wanted in on the action.

One good shove to put an end to this kissing stuff.
First stop on the Trick-or-Treat Tour.  Maddie's disappointed to see the candy bag is empty.

Hey Grandpa, don't feed the animals!
Leg #2 on the Tour.  Kade thought he should share his loot from the previous stop.  Hey Grandpa, don't steal candy from a baby!
Onto house #3 where a cute little Beagle happened to be handing out some goods.  Of course what does Kade go for?  The John Deere truck.

We couldn't get enough of those tails.  Seriously, the cutest pair of critters I've ever seen!

Halloween is tough on a guy! 

The final stop and Kade got to experience some real trick-or-treaters.  He helped Erin hand out some candy.  Sorry for the creepy black blob on his mouth--no idea what that is.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Little Lion

Remember when I mentioned in a previous post how I'd found Kade sucking on the camera cord?  That cord is now officially unrecognizable to the computer, no matter what angle I hold the camera at, so I'm unable to download all of the fantastic pictures we took of Kade on Halloween.  Instead we'll have to settle for this rare footage of an exotic animal on the loose.

It was taken in the morning before daycare.  I wanted to paint his nose and put whiskers on him but he's been fighting a cold and I figured it'd end up being a big, snotty brown mess on his face.