Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Vacation #2, etc...

It's been a couple weeks since I last posted and there's so much to update!  First of all, the visit from Lady A (and her mom, dad, grandma and aunt) was wonderful, like always!  They spoiled Kade with tons of gifts (plus a cookie cake, thanks to Great Grandma C), like always!  We always learn more about Kade's genetics every time they come too.  This time we learned that Lady A's dad has extra wide feet, which helps explain why the only thing we can get to fit Kade's footballs is adjustable strap sandals :-)

He also had is 1 year appointment.  It went really well and I'm relieved to say that the heart murmur the Dr. thought he heard at Kade's 9 month was nothing.
The stats:
25.3 lbs (83%)
30.8 inches (2'6") (81%)
head circumference 18.9 inches (89%), at his 9 month he was in >97% so his body is catching up!

Finally, last week we took our annual vacation with Erik's family!  Last year Kade was born during the week we go so we had to cancel.  It was the happiest vacation cancellation we've ever made though.  This year's vacation was a bit different than years past.  Not a lot of sitting by the lake with a beverage in hand...okay so we did our fair share of sitting and drinking, but we also had a little man to chase so someone was always on duty.

Lots of pictures with this post!  Unlike the vacation with my family, I actually remembered the camera this time!
Relaxing in his personalized chair from Lady A.  He's watching a John Deere tractor video.  I never thought I'd know so much about tractors!  I can give Erik a run for his money in tractor trivia now (not sure if I should be excited about that though).

Just a super cute picture of the little man.

Airplane with Uncle Jay!  Jay has just as much energy as a 1 year old, and naps just as much too!

This could possibly be our 1st picture of just the 2 of us since Kade was born!

The boys...

The girls...

Erik caught dinner!  Or maybe it could be dinner next year?

The shrimp boat captain.  No need to be concerned that he can't see over the wheel, he's got a 6th sense with directions.

Possibly the 1st family picture we have too?  We're not great at getting the 3 of us together.

Okay, I admit that I dressed him like this!  In my defense, it was chilly in the mornings and he had a hard time walking in just socks.  Also, I only brought a couple long sleeved shirts.  I promise he did not go out in public like this!!

Go Twins!  I love my new sweatshirt!!

The whole family!

A delicious Kade sandwich.

Mmmm, thanks for sharing your ice cream cone, Erin!  I promise I didn't leave too much drool on it.

Trying out my new Jordan's from Uncle Michael.  Where's the hoop?!

I'm not going to lie, these shoes do improve my game.

Kiss the ball for good luck.  Good thing Mike got me this mini ball too, regulation sized basketballs are hard to carry!

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