Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Piglets and Playdates

Last week Kade and I had a play date in Apple Valley with 3 of my good friends from high school.  With 4 moms and 7 kids, the oldest 4 yrs. and the youngest 6 months, it can best be described as "controlled" chaos!  The 4 of us did manage to sit for 1 blissful hour and talk while the babies slept and the big kids played.  Then we went to a fabulous park that had sprinklers all over for the kids to play in.  Since Kade just figured out how to walk, I got my fair share of water sprayed on me too :-)

When we got home Erik decided it was a good night for the fair.  Being the good ex-4-H'r that he is, he knew that all of the "cool" animals would be going home that night and Kade NEEDED to see all the farm animals up close.  Kade was a trooper.  After a day of playing I thought he'd be wiped out but he loved every minute of the fair.  Maybe it was because to enter and exit the fair we had to pass a line of tractors on display, on both sides.  Of course, someone had to sit on each and every model to test the steering wheels.  Oh, and Kade sat on a few too :-)  (just kidding, Erik!)  Kade had his first taste of rib ticklers, mini doughnuts and a chocolate malt.  All were very well received!

Like I said, "controlled" chaos...

Can you believe we managed a group picture?!  Even Jaycee the dog sat long enough for it!

Water coming at him from all angles!

Kade getting his own personal tour of the new Birthing Center at the fair.  It helps to know a grandpa that volunteered!

I was about a second shy of snapping a picture of Kade petting the pig!
If I had a dollar for every time Kade and Daddy sat on a tractor, I'd be a millionaire!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos you are posting...the one of you girls and all the kiddos is priceless and Kade and Erik on the tractor is awesome. I can hear him making tractor noises.
