Thursday, October 17, 2024

We’re FINALLY at the end of all of my baseball pictures!  I just love watching these 2 play.  And I honestly never think to take pictures so I’m thankful for who do and then send them to me 😆

Next up, our vacation to the Black Hills.  I promise I won’t let a month go by before posting those 😬

Must be an intense game!  Not sure I’ve ever seen Kade that focused in the dugout.

Ok, this is more like the Kade I know at baseball games.  Loud and always wrestling/goofing off with someone.

Mason’s last tournament.  
2nd place!

More importantly, we found somewhere to fish after the tournament.

Nothing cuter than a sleeping Bubba

Kade’s last tournament.
He was chosen to play in an MVP tournament (or something along those lines).  So it was a team made up of a bunch of kids around the area.

Kade with his lil buddy, uncle Jeremy.


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