Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Mason doesn't miss an opportunity for dress up days at school!  
The week before Christmas was a different theme everyday.  I forgot to take pictures every morning, but we had those outfits planned the week before!  
I love that not much embarrasses this kid, as you'll soon see in the pictures below!

Looking good for his Christmas program.
He got the very last line in the program!

He was dared to do a "skullet" with his hair, and Mason doesn't say no to a dare.
So I told him he could do it for the last day of school before Christmas break.
So here it is, in all it's glory!  Shaved on top, long on the sides.
He wanted it to be shaved to the skin, so his head was shiny but I wasn't willing to commit that much to the dare.
We shaved it all off the next day.  Shockingly, he wasn't a fan of it.  I thought for sure he'd want to keep it but he didn't argue when I said it was time to take it all off!

Christmas was a little last minute this year.
The school had A LOT of sickness going around, so we had to reschedule with family, then reschedule again.  We ended up doing our own Christmas earlier than planned, and I totally forgot to get a family picture!
I did manage to get the boys though!

They got BB guns this year.
So Christmas was extra classy around our house!!

Playing games with cousins...

and Noella


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