Sunday, July 2, 2023

June 1st was the last day of school for the boys.  
Hawaiian Day for Mason, just to explain the colors and patterns of his outfit 😂

Mason with his buddy, Charlie

The next day was Kade's first baseball tournament of the summer.
It was a hot one!!
Grandma brought suckers for everyone.

Pregame warmups provided by Mason

KadeO in action.
He LOVES 3rd base and shortstop.
He's not a fan of pitching but he's so darn good at it, he's usually saved for the Championship game.  He makes it look easy, even though he says he's not enjoying it.

1st place winners!
Winning this tournament secured their spot in State.  
So in a couple weeks we'll be heading up to the cities for State

Kade and Tyson

Kade, Charlie and Porter

Of course Mason brought his pole just in case there happened to be fishing near the baseball fields.
There was!
The fishing wasn't great but he could see big ones in the water so he had fun trying to entice them to bite his hook (they didn't).


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