Friday, July 28, 2023

Wow.  I don't think I've ever failed this badly at keeping up with my posts!  26 days have gone by since I last posted?!?  
When I say this summer has revolved around baseball, I'm not kidding.  We have baseball the evenings of Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and most weekends.  Tuesday is our only "night off" and that's never usually off.  
If we aren't at the baseball field on the weekends, then we're camping.  Sometimes we're camping AND at the baseball field!  And every Wednesday I'll drop Kade and a buddy off at the golf course, then take Mason and a buddy fishing.  We're trying to soak up and enjoy these busy summer months with the boys but I swear I blinked and it's August!!

Mason really enjoys catching and he's actually quite good at it!  
Even though he's a lefty, I think he's got a few more years of catching in him.  
Erik keeps telling me lefties can't be catchers, but what does he know 😉

I mean,  come on, just look at how CUTE he is!!!

One of MANY reeled in this summer.

Harper and Mason fighting boredom at their brother's baseball tournament.
They were riding these wagons down a hill and crashing at the bottom.  They didn't get many rides in before we put the kibosh to that.

Taking a break between games

The pups came to this tournament and stuck close to grandpa and grandma...preteen boys are crazy!

Hard to tell in these pictures but that's Kade and Mason wrestling.
The boys were putting money on who would win.  I couldn't watch but I'm pretty sure Mason ended up victorious.
There was a lot of chanting and loud yelling while this was happening.  The teams that were playing at the time were quite distracted by the show.

Handsome little 3rd basemen.

Handsome little pitcher too!

This pitcher and catcher combo will be one to watch in a few years!!

Fighting boredom again by making bracelets

At the bottom of this post is a video another mom took for me.
It was the first game on Sunday morning.  It was cold and windy and Kade's team was basically asleep, lots of errors were made, it looked like the game was over.  If they had lost, they would've been done.  It was the bottom of the last inning (we were last at bat), bases were loaded, there was 2 outs and the winning run was on 2nd base.  Kade was up to bat.  I couldn't watch.  His anxiety had been bad that morning so I was very worried.  Thankfully another mom saw me not watching and thought to herself, "I know that Kade's got this so I'm going to record it so Kristi doesn't miss it".  What do you know?  That stinker hits a BOMB to center field.  Lots of people said it would've been a grand slam if it hadn't been so windy.  It was AWESOME!!  
The next few games were boring compared to that one and they ended up taking home 1st place!

Cutest little farmer there ever was.

They aren't real but still grosses me out!

Mason with his fishing buddies, Charlie and Gunnar

The Middles!
Mason and Isaac

Celebrating Vi's birthday

On our way to camping!

I think we've watched this video about 1000 times.


Sunday, July 2, 2023

June 1st was the last day of school for the boys.  
Hawaiian Day for Mason, just to explain the colors and patterns of his outfit 😂

Mason with his buddy, Charlie

The next day was Kade's first baseball tournament of the summer.
It was a hot one!!
Grandma brought suckers for everyone.

Pregame warmups provided by Mason

KadeO in action.
He LOVES 3rd base and shortstop.
He's not a fan of pitching but he's so darn good at it, he's usually saved for the Championship game.  He makes it look easy, even though he says he's not enjoying it.

1st place winners!
Winning this tournament secured their spot in State.  
So in a couple weeks we'll be heading up to the cities for State

Kade and Tyson

Kade, Charlie and Porter

Of course Mason brought his pole just in case there happened to be fishing near the baseball fields.
There was!
The fishing wasn't great but he could see big ones in the water so he had fun trying to entice them to bite his hook (they didn't).