Sunday, February 26, 2023

Basketball Recognition Night

A few weeks ago the boys' teams had their recognition night.  Mason's 3rd and 4th grade team ran out with JV, did their warm ups and sat behind their bench during the game.  Kade's 5th and 6th grade team did the same with varsity.  Both boys found some new role models to look up to!

Mason in front with gray shorts

Going in for a layup

Kade at the back of the line across the court.

Going in for his layup

Kade's team got to line up for the National Anthem as well

The highlight of the night might've been watching Mason slooooooowly (and very sneaky) make his way down to sit on the varsity bench 😆
The 2 players standing were a bit confused and tried to move him but quickly gave up and just scootched him down.

Kade's also playing with a more competitive (and much smaller numbers!) traveling team.
They didn't do so hot at this tournament but they still managed to kinda smile for pictures.


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Mason's Golden Birthday

Before time gets too far away from me (I'm already weeks behind on posts), I have to post about Mason's Golden birthday!  The big boy turned 9 this month!!  We had a lot going on the weekends around his birthday so he had a friend's party at the end of January.  We spent a couple hours with Mason's favorite kiddos playing arcade games and laser tag.

He also wanted to go out to eat "at a salt water restaurant", so Erik and I took him to Red Lobster.  Then on his actual birthday, he requested the annual "Na Night Cake".  

All in all I'd say he had a memorable birthday!!

Mason and Brayden playing a VR game.

Charlie, Gunnar and Isaac

Violet and Kade

Mason and Charlie

The Crazy 3rd grade boys!
Mason, Charlie, Gunnar and Brayden

Kade and Charlie

Mason with his 2 favorite Charlie's!

This sequence of pictures cracks me up.
All is good

Mason oblivious to Gunnar getting tagged team

Aaaaaand Gunnar's down--Mason: still oblivious

Poor Kade getting taken out by the 3rd graders

They played 3 games of laser tag.  I have no idea who won.

The perfect cookie cake for our fisherman!

Mason and Erik before their seafood feast

Na Night Cake!

Happy Birthday Mason David!


Thursday, February 2, 2023

Mason and his buddies love to play hunt, which is great!  I'll take that over Nintendo and phones any day!!
Here he is with his buddy, Gunnar.  They were waiting for birds to land on the bird feeder and then they were chucking snowballs at them.  It sounds worse than it is.  
1.  They're slower than molasses in January and 
2.  Their aim couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.  
The birds were safe.

Mason with his buddy Charlie.
For Charlie's birthday he had a bunch of friends over and they spent the afternoon squirrel hunting.  Again, no woodland creatures were harmed 😆

Mason could've spent all night shooting the BB guns.  He was in hog heaven.

Mason's team
P.S. they lost

Kade's team had a tournament in Winona where they ran into their buddy, Micah! 
Micah's team beat them, this time.