Mason and Isaac enjoying unseasonably warm weather! Mason in shorts and a t-shirt the weekend before Thanksgiving!! Crazy!
Kade got to go goose and duck hunting for his first time ever and he absolutely loved it!
So much so that he took his birthday/Christmas money that I've been stashing away over the years for him and bought himself some kind of bird gun. He'll give you all the details if you ask, all I know is it shoots birds.
Proof that they do like each other once in awhile!!
We had our annual Christmas with Megan and her family early this year. With 6 busy kids, we gotta take what we can get!! It ended up being the Saturday after Thanksgiving, but it worked out well to get us into the Christmas spirit!
The kids were all good sports again, wearing silly hats we get them!
Not like they have a choice😉
We even made it down to the lights this year! It's been a few years since we've braved them.
Smores station
Mason had a project called "Disguise the Turkey".
I may have helped him....a lot. But he did most of the coloring!! And it was definitely a collaboration.
It ended up being a lot of fun and art projects are usually NOT my thing.