Friday, June 24, 2022

Fifth Grade Graduation

I can't believe it, Kade is done at the elementary school!  6th grade is in the high school so they have a graduation for the 5th graders.  Coincidentally Kade graduated on my birthday!  Funny enough, 25 years earlier, Erik and I graduated on my birthday too!!!  Oh and Mason was baptized on my birthday!  June 1st is a pretty cool day!!
A bunch of mom's got together and surprised their class with pizza on their graduation day.
I can't believe Kade let me get a picture with him.

Listening to the graduation speeches with his classmates.

Receiving his "diploma" from the principal.

Receiving accolades from his 5th grade teacher.

Grandparent picture

The June 1st graduates!

We just HAD to recreate their preschool picture.
I CANNOT believe how much these boys have grown in 6 years!!

I love this picture, 
Melissa working her photoshop magic again!

Kade's 5th grade class.

I feel like this spring has been all about Kade, with his play and basketball and graduation.
Poor Mason hasn't had much blog time.
But he's still fishing and playing and loving life!!

Hawaiin day for the last day of school.
This kid makes a straw hat look good!

Just couldn't resist.
When your dad is the coach of both teams, matching numbers is a small perk!

The most handsome ball players I've ever seen.


Monday, June 13, 2022

I'm starting to realize something....all we do is sports and fishing!!  And I'd like to say, "no, that's not true! We do other things!"  but, that would be a lie.  Every minute that we aren't working, we're going to baseball, basketball, or a fishing hole!  We wouldn't have it any other way.  Although the projects aren't getting done around the house anymore.  And if you come over, ignore the weeds in the landscaping.

Wouldn't you know it, the week Covid hit our house, my brother and nieces came to visit from Atlanta.
We did manage to see them but not as much as I had hoped.  The plan was for Erik to take Kade to his basketball tournament that was 2 hours away, while I took the girls and Mason fishing.  Then we were going to have a sleepover at our house.
Instead, Erik and Mason stayed home.  
I took Kade to basketball, and we only saw them for a little bit, masked and mainly outside.  
It was better than nothing though!

Kade's team took home 1st place!

Vivienne and Noella's first time fishing!
Grandpa is in the background, untangling lines and baiting hooks.

Vivi's first fish!!

They only stayed for a short weekend.  Thankfully we'll see them again in a couple weeks on our family vacation!  Fingers crossed everyone stays healthy!!

Oh hey, no sports going on!  Guess what the boys want to do...

Mason with his cousins Owen and Lillian

Kade worked so hard for this guy.  
Any weekend he didn't have a game he got up at 4:30 and was out in the woods by 5:00.  
Finally bagged him after 5 long weekends of trying!!


Sunday, June 5, 2022

A few weeks ago, Kade's 5th grade class put on their last performance.  It was called, "We Haz Jazz".  They had to try out for speaking roles and to my surprise, Kade tried out!  He was hoping for 1 or 2 lines, not a big role.  He ended up with Thelonious Monk.  Which did only have a few lines at the end of the play.
And while he wasn't the "main" character, he was definitely the star/heartthrob role.  In the play, they repeatedly mentioned his character's name for a big build up in the end.  Girls fainted, boys bowed when he walked up on stage.   
The funniest part of this is when I was helping him learn his lines, he told me he was a cat!  I didn't know any better so I just figured he was a background figure.
After the play I said, "I had no idea you were such a main character!  You were, like, the star!  I thought you were going to be a cat?".  He goes, "Yeah, I didn't know that either!!  If I had known, I never would've tried out!"
He did great though and got lots of compliments as we were leaving the school.
He did tell one of his coaches that from now on he's sticking to sports, acting is way too stressful!!

Back row, left of the exit sign.

 A friend of mine sent me this side by side.
Our boys at preschool graduation and 5th grade, in the same line up!

The grand finale.

Mason's doing great at baseball this year!
Of course he'd rather be fishing, and he loses focus pretty easily.  But this kid can catch, hit and knows where to be/what to do on the field!  One inning he made all 3 outs!
I would just like to state, for the record, we asked him repeatedly if he was SURE he wanted to play baseball.  We told him MULTIPLE times he didn't have to play and we'd take him fishing on baseball days.  But he always chose baseball.  I think he may be regretting that now, now that he's been able to fish, but he's sticking baseball out.

First basemen (maroon long sleeve).

His cousin Isaac is on the team so that makes it more fun!