Friday, September 24, 2021

Mason got his Halloween costume last week.  
I was sitting in my car and heard a knock at the window, looked up and literally screamed.
He's pretty excited to be a fish!

Kade had to try it on too and decided he wanted to be a deer.  It should be here any day now!  Thank you amazon!

Some well loved pups!

Kade's football team was recognized at half time of last week's varsity game.
I didn't get great pictures because we weren't allowed on the field.

School pictures are in!  I haven't chosen or ordered yet but these are the options.
Kade would kill me if he knew I put these on the blog.  He's growing his hair out and we're definitely in the awkward stage right now!!


Friday, September 17, 2021

Back to School!

One last fishing hurrah before heading back into school!!

Showing off the new Boss Toss game he got for his birthday from A&S.
We was so excited he actually hugged the box when he opened it!

First day of school pictures!!

5th grade and 2nd grade


Friday, September 10, 2021

Lake Vacation

This year's annual lake vacation brought us to Alexandria!  We've never been there so it was exciting to try a new area of the state.  It didn't disappoint!  The weather was awesome, the house was amazing, the lake was nice, the food was fantastic and the company  😆 just kidding!

I'm sorry to say I took exactly ONE picture the entire time.  One!!  You can tell my kids are getting older, I'm not following them around every second anymore and not trying to capture everything they do on film.  Thankfully other people are making up for my "laziness".

Let's see, we were there for about 168 hours.
Mason fished for about 142 hours.  
Kade played some sort of ball or bean bag toss for about 128 hours.  
I sat on a chair, in the sun, with a book for about 112 hours.  
Erik did some sort of variation of all of the above (except the book part) for 138 hours.

The one and only picture I took!

The Middle's doing what they do best!

Mason spent a lot of the vacation driving people around on a tube, kayak, or paddle board.  
Here's grandma's turn!

Setting up his ride!

The Big's playing with baby Owen.

Hey!  Mason got a turn!

Kade learning some new pitches from Uncle Jay.
I believe the change up and the curve ball were added to his pitching repertoire.

Owen's turn for a ride!

Looks like we were set for outdoor fun!

Grandkids picture.
Mason was NOT happy we were leaving after these pictures.

Everyone, except Mike and Sarah, as they were expecting a baby any day and couldn't make the trip this year.


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Twins Game

Included in the camp Kade did at the beginning of summer was 4 "free" tickets to a Twins game!  I put free in quotations because after driving up, parking, shirts, hats, food, drinks, food, food and more food the day was substantially into 3 figures!!!  But hey, the tickets were free!!

Charlie, Porter, Owen and Kade

Kade even caught a ball that the White Sox left fielder tossed into the stands after warm ups!

The birthday boys!

Running the bases after the game.

The baseball players...

...and their siblings.

The parents along for the ride.

And then there was these 2...

This is a screenshot of the game on tv.
I drew the yellow lines to the boys who made it on screen after a foul ball was caught right in front of them!!
Mason in red, Kade in white.

And the same picture without my lines.