Monday, October 21, 2019

The week after the Gopher game Mason had his very first kindergarten field trip to an apple orchard!  I wasn't able to go but a friend of mine did and sent me lots of cute pictures throughout the day.  Mason loved it!  Even if they weren't able to actually eat an apple while at the orchard...which, truth be told, kinda blows my mind!!

Mason's class.  
He's top row, 3rd from left

Mason eating his packed lunch with his buddy, Nyle.

We had tickets for a Twins game for the weekend after the Gopher game.
However, Mason wasn't quite ready for another all day sporting event.  And the only baseball I enjoy is the kind where my boys are playing.  So Mason and I were more than happy to share our tickets with Kade's buddy, Porter and his dad Scott.
I think that was a win-win for everyone!

This picture of Porter KILLS ME!!  
Erik told them to make a funny face and that's what he came up with!

Instead of going to the baseball game, Mason got to have a day fishing with Grandpa and Grandma H.
He was in heaven!

I guess in this picture he was "talking to the camera".  He likes to pretend he has a youtube channel when he fishes.  This kid's imagination is something else!

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