Monday, June 10, 2019

Mason's Preschool Graduation

The last week in May our little scholar (cough, cough, wink, wink) graduated preschool!!  Anyone who's met Mason knows that school and organized learning are not really his jam but he did it!  And he showed major improvements from the beginning of the year.  
Mason is my not-a-morning-person, sleep-in-until-10:00, grumpy-until-he-wakes-up-an-hour-after-he-opens-his-eyes kid so getting him up for school was a bit of a challenge (pretty much the EXACT OPPOSITE of Kade).  Only 13 years to go!
Give this kid a fishing pole.  Or a knot in the line.  Or an engine that needs figuring out and he will astound you with his patience, ingenuity and manual dexterity.  Ask him to say the alphabet or count to 100 and he'll tell you, "Nah.  How about you do it instead."  It could be a long 13 years...

But, dang, does he make graduating look good!!!

Silly dancing with Dad.

Diploma time!

Mason and Harper, the only time they'll be in the same class.
Mason is on to kindergarten next year.  Harper, who is a little younger, will do another year of preschool.

Mason and his best buddies from daycare.
Ashtyn, Gunnar and Harper

Grandpa and Grandma time!

Little stinker was winking in every picture we took.

He asked for strawberry cake, and that is what he got!

Not to forget Kade Man.
He had an end of the year activities day that ended up being inside due to rain.
Here he is with his buddy Kelton.

And Charlie and Nolan.
Nolan, who is the oldest, with his 2 giant bookend buddies!!

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