Sunday, October 21, 2018

Picture Catch Up

Grandpa and Grandma C got the boys a ninja warrior tight rope last year for Christmas.  
It's hard to cross!  There's a video of me trying to it out, I will not be posting it!!

Lunch date with this goofball

Kade and his buddy Owen.
Safety nerds.

The last weekend in September my friend Megan and I ran in the Oktoberfest race in La Crosse.  I went down Friday night, slept over at her house, got up at 5:30 am to make it to the starting line.

5 miles later we were enjoying a Bloody Mary at 9:00 am! 

Having fun at daycare

We had a few families over for a bonfire, supper and hot apple cider in early October.  It was a great fall day, the kids played in the woods, explored the corn fields around the house and played some football.  The parents were able to sit around a warm fire and relax!
This is the only picture of the day.  
They loved walking around with coffee cups, just like their moms.  

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