Wednesday, March 27, 2013

This post was supposed to be about our weekend in Kansas City and Vivienne's 1st birthday party. However KC got a foot and a half of snow on Saturday so we had to cancel our travel plans. On the upside, we had our first snow free weekend in, what feels like, 6 months but is probably more like 4 weeks.

We spent the weekend outside where Kade and Dad took a ride on every motorized "toy" they have! Kade can steer the lawn mower so well now that all Erik is good for is pushing the gas and brakes. It's pretty funny watching these two yahoos as they drive up and down the road!

1. We even cleaned up one of Kade's 4-wheelers to bring to Viv since he is way too big for it now. Hope we can keep it clean til the next time we see her! That's a lot to ask of a 2 year old boy!

2 & 3. Helping G & G H. on the farm

4. Kade's got a lot of loads to scoop if he's trying to move all the snow outside with that little wagon!

5. Maybe he can mow down the snow piles?

6. We even managed to catch a few games in the first rounds of the NCAA tournament! Kade O's got his ball on his lap, his BB shoes on and phone in hand so he can text friends about the game!

7. The beautiful birthday girl, ready for her party!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Weekend

Kade was quite the little social butterfly this weekend! Starting on Saturday morning we headed over to Erik's parent's to see Violet--and Jay and Jenna too but who cares about the parents anymore?! :-)
Then we visited my parents, who had just gotten back from Cozumel. Finally we ended our Saturday at Erik's cousin's, who have the twins Paige and Carter. It was a nap-free day so of course Kade fell asleep about 32 seconds into our drive home.

On Sunday Lady A and S came for a visit and Kade kept them busy the whole time. He drags them upstairs and downstairs and to his room and to the porch. He gave a valiant effort to get them outside but Mother Nature hates us this spring so it was too cold. Of course A & S happily oblige to all of his requests so Erik and I get to sit! I've never been so excited to just sit before.

Are all boys as busy as he is??! :-) I tell him all the time that he's "such a boy" and he just laughs then goes on wrestling me, or throwing balls at me, or "HI-YA"ing me, or tackling me. The other day I heard him whisper to Erik, "Let's tell Mommy to come downstairs and then we'll tackle her!" Erik thinks this is hilarious and completely encourages it. The problem is, Kade is a big kid (3'4") and I'm a short mom (5'2") so he really can tackle me! And even win sometimes! One of these days I'm not going to be able win the wrestling match and Erik is going to come home from work to find me pinned under Kade! And, believe me, Erik is excited for that day to come.

1. Kade and Violet (9 months). Those 2 munchkins are 2 extremes in sizes because Vi is a PEANUT!

2. Playing with one of his new toys that his birth-great-grandparents D & C gave him for Easter.

3. We forced him to pose with his new clothes but he was way more excited for...

4. ...his huge bowl of Easter candy! Look at that grin!

5, 6, &7. Basketball shoes? Check. Random toy for HI-YA-ing? Check. Blackmail pictures for Mommy? Check!!

8. I got new dishes, Kade got a ride on the packaging. Everybody wins!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Little Comedian

Lately Kade's turned into quite the comedian. More than ever he does and says things purposely to make us laugh. As opposed to being funny and not realizing, or knowing, what he did that made us laugh. For instance, he'll do the opposite of what we say, watch our reaction and wait for us to start to reprimand him and then yell, "I'm just kidding!"

Laughing and having a good sense of humor is a big part of Erik and my personalities so to see Kade showing signs of having that trait makes me very happy! And of course I'm extremely biased but I think the kid is pretty darn funny!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


1: Hat Day! That Vikings hat, an adult size, was pretty big on Kade last summer. It fits him perfectly now!

2: Looks like someone is ready to upgrade his 4 wheeler. I only spent about 30 minutes in the store trying to convince him it was time to move on. It worked only after I promised him we'd come back and look at it after we were done with our other shopping.

3: Let's hope this sudden interest in hockey is just a phase :-)

4: Kade with his two best gals, Rylee and Ellie. We played 3 weekends in a row! I hope Kade doesn't go into withdrawals this weekend.

5: Winter tractoring

6: Just a couple of studs, hanging out, looking cool.

7 & 9: Kade's preferred method of travel these days. He tells me all the time he's going to be taller than Daddy (who is 6'5"). Maybe he's just trying to get used to breathing the air up there?

8: Minnesota's version of a white, sandy beach. Obviously I'm still dreaming of that vacation :-)