Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Little Turkey

A little back story:  Back in high school a friend of mine discovered she could do a fantastic imitation of a dolphin.  While I tried to make a dolphin noise, mine came out sounding like an amazing crow call--as in "ca-caw, ca-caw".  Yup, like a big, ugly blackbird.  Now, whenever you ask Kade what a bird says, instead of responding with a sweet, little "tweet, tweet", you get a big, hearty "ca-caw, ca-caw"!

Last week Erik took Thursday off and we took Kade to Oxbow Zoo.  In the turkey pen there was a male with 3 females.  That male was trying his hardest to get those ladies' attention.  He was strutting, gobbling, puffing up his feathers, nudging them and those gals didn't even bat an eye at the poor guy.  I told Kade that he was learning a valuable life lesson right then.  It doesn't matter how much you strut, most girls aren't even going to notice.

Later, we went to Dairy Queen and sitting a few tables down was a little girl about Kade's age.  He was doing everything he could to get her attention.  He was saying every single word he knew, smiling at her, laughing, waving his arms and she could've cared less.  I said, "Oh Kade, it's just like that male turkey was saw today."  Then he stopped, looked over at the girl and as loud as he could he yelled, "CA-CAW, CA-CAW"!!  Amazingly enough, that got the girl's attention!

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