Monday, May 22, 2023

Mother's Day weekend we took our first camping trip of the season.  We lucked out with the weather, it was raining when we set up the campsite and it was raining when we took it down, but other than that it was decent.  We even managed to get a little sunburned!

The campground it perfect for both boys.  It's right on a trout stream for Mason and it has a nice 18 hole golf course for Kade.  And with the boys being the ages they're at (meaning I don't have to watch their every move) I was able to sneak a little nap in by the fire!  It was a successful start to camping season 2023.

Isaac, Kade, Jay, Violet

Grandpa put Kade to work clearing weeds on the land.


Wednesday, May 10, 2023

We're still plugging away at the school year!  Now that the weather has turned, it's getting very hard to come inside and get to bed early.  Mason has the countdown going for us, I believe he said 15 days left but he always adds, "Not counting today or tomorrow".  I'm not sure who taught him countdowns but you can never really trust it when he's not counting a few days 😆

Baseball has started for Mason!

This is his serious pose.

Erik got suckered in to coaching AGAIN!!  The poor guy can't catch a break, although he doesn't really know how to say "no".  Which is amazing because Kade and Mason sure do know how to say 'NO" repeatedly!  They must've learned that from me.

We spend many hours at the lake down the road these days.  
It's almost bass season!

Unfortunately I didn't have 1 new picture of Kade for this post.  
So I made Erik and Kade recreate one for me 😆

March 2014

9 years later...