Sunday, January 22, 2023

Christmas catch up!

The week before Christmas was the end of regular season basketball for Mason.  So for the last day of practice, Erik held a scrimmage for parents to watch.  They didn't keep official score, and I can't remember exactly who won but I'm quite certain the final was 6-4.  But hey, it was entertaining!!

Santa's helper day at school.
Nailed it!!

Mason's flag football team was chosen for team of the month (or something like that) for a local new station.  They were gifted a pizza party!

Christmas Eve with my boys!

Christmas Day with Erik's family (I did a terrible job taking any pictures).

Christmas a week later with my parents.  My brother and his family were in Atlanta.

Matching headlamp hats!


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Mason's Christmas program!

He even had a line this year!
"Light up Christmas parades are very popular!"
We practiced it no less than 1000 times 😆

We had our annual Christmas celebration with Megan and her family again.
Usually we go see the Christmas lights down at the park but for the last 2 years we haven't gone.  The kids just have so much fun playing, they'd rather stay home.  This year we played the cup game.  Under each cup was either money, candy, or a grinch.  If they picked the grinch, they had to open a present which contained some lame gifts.  Toilet paper, ugly hats and, well, you'll see what Mason opened up...