Saturday, May 28, 2022

While Kade and I were at a basketball tournament, Erik and Mason were fishing.  Erik sent me pictures throughout the day and they progressively got "more Mason".  Those of you that have ever been near a lake, stream, pond or puddle with Mason know exactly what I mean.  For those of you that haven't, see pictures below.

Very first picture bright and early in the morning.  You all may be looking at his fish, I on the other hand, immediately zoomed on that object floating on the left side of the picture.  Wondering what it is?  It's Mason's croc, floating away.
Thankfully Erik noticed it, chased it downstream, and got it with a long stick.

While fishing, they ran into our buddy Porter!
Still early, still dry.

Shocking, Mason is in the water!

Still in the water, but not too bad.

Aaaaaand....there it is.  That's my Mason!!
He caught a Porter!

Kade tried band this year.
He played trombone.
He didn't like it.
He didn't practice.
He's not going out for it next year.
We made him stick it out til the end.  This is the end of the year band concert.
Where's Kade, you ask?  Great question!  We couldn't see him the entire time because he was hiding.  And I'm quite certain he was pretending to play.

Ope, they had to stand up to take a bow!  There's no hiding him now!
Tall kid under the hoop.

Unfortunately after all that fun, Covid hit.
We made it 2+ years.
Mason got it first, it didn't do too much.  He has spring allergies too so it was hard to tell what was Covid and what was allergies.
Erik also tested positive and he just had cold symptoms.
I'm not sure how but Kade and I managed to avoid it!  Fingers crossed it stays that way!


Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Picture catch up again!  For Kade's last baseball tournament in Des Moines, Mason and I stayed home.  The weather was, of course, cold but Mason, of course, wanted to fish!  Unfortunately we didn't catch anything but he had fun!
Kade's tournament ended up getting rained out, so they didn't even get to play a game.
Mason skunked on the water, Kade skunked on the field.

A couple weeks ago, Kade had a basketball tournament in St. Paul.  Just him and I went, Erik and Mason stayed home because it was going to be a long day....we had a 6 hour wait between games!!!
Thankfully it was nice out so we spent the 6 hours outside with teammates.

Of course we had to find ice cream, check out the overflow on top of those cups!!!
Shockingly, they couldn't finish them.

They ended up getting 2nd place in the tournament, so I guess all that ice cream was a bit of good luck!!


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

I can't remember, did I mention Kade is playing spring basketball as well??  He's playing on an AAU team that practices in town but all of the tournaments are in the cities.  They're doing ok, it took a little bit for the team to find their groove.  I know Kade absolutely loves it when he's playing, but he's a bit overwhelmed with baseball, basketball and still trying to find time to shoot that elusive turkey.  Lesson learned, leave basketball for the cold months (although, winter 2022 just finished yesterday May 9th).

Mason started Tae Kwon Do and seems to really love it!  He even bought the uniform with his own money!
(full disclosure:  I DID offer to pay for it but he wanted to do it himself)

Checking out the new batting cages!

Handsome boys on Easter morning