Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Our Story

This is my first attempt at blogging so bear with me.  I wanted to start the blog about the Fabulous Baby Kade by telling a completely condensed version of how he came into our lives.  Erik and I are high school sweethearts, we've been together since 10th grade (1994! Yikes!).  We've always planned to be parents and actually started trying to build our family almost 6 years ago.  Our infertility record goes a little something like this:  2 miscarriages, 9 failed artificial inseminations (IUI's for the infertile linguists), 2 failed in vitro fertilizations and 1 failed adoption (the birthmom changed her mind-on Christmas Eve, no less).  Needless to say, we were a bit pessimistic about our chances of ever becoming parents.  That is until the Fabulous Lady A (our birthmom, no names to respect her privacy) entered the picture. 

I got the phone call from Becky, our awesome social worker at Catholic Charities, on Wednesday, July 14th around 3:00 pm.  She caught me at work and her first words were, "Are you ready to be a parent?"  Me: "Yes???"  Becky:  "Tonight?"  Me:  heart beating a million miles a minute, hands shaking "Are you serious!?"  Lady A was 6 cm dilated and in the hospital, he was coming on the 14th or so we thought.  Three nerve wracking weeks later, on August 10th at 10:59 pm Kade William was born.  Lady A and her awesome mom "S" arranged for us to have a room at the hospital so we were there waiting when he was born.  We met him around 11:45 pm and our lives changed forever.  I want to share all of the amazing details about Lady A, the similarities we have with her and the roller coaster ride we call adoption but that will have to wait for another blog.  I just wanted to get the first one going with some super cute pictures of our super handsome son.  Wow, is it weird and great to say that!!

Future quarterback, just like his Daddy!! 

Okay, so these are a bit out of order because this was taken at the hospital.  Seriously though, get a load of his cheeks!  I kiss them constantly!!

My very handsome boys doing what Kade does best (besides eat)!